Qui nos opprimere velint, illos libenter devoramus

Qui nos opprimere velint, illos libenter devoramus
"Who would subdue us, them we gladly devour."

Monday, April 14, 2008

Welcome to the Dungeon!

Hello all, and welcome to the dungeon! This page is designed to do something my other blogspot accounts don't do - tell you a little something about me. Well, more than a little something as this is kind of an extension of my myspace page. Free from aggravating sound "enhanced" ads and bulletins about how a maniac is going to kill me tonight if I don't pass this on to 100 people, I can now blather endlessly about horror films, punk, and Jason McMaster.


Leave me a comment, send me a email if you'd like: londonsdungeon@yahoo.com
